Straight Talk About Masculine Face Care

Guys, it's time for some straight talk on a subject that, let's admit it, many of you seldom think about until it's too late.
No, I'm not talking about life insurance. I'm not talking about filling up the propane tank before the big barbecue. And I'm not even talking about replacing those jeans you bought during the Clinton Administration - you know, the ones that are being held together by...dignity.
I'm talking about every guy's least favourite subject: masculine face care. Or, as the sappy Beauty Industry daintily calls it - men's skin care.
But here's the thing - it's high time we talked about masculine face care, because there are some important scientific facts masculine men like you would want to know.
Men and Women Age Differently Generally speaking, women age gracefully. That is, they start the aging process sooner than men, but they age in slower progressions. For men, the story is reversed. Your skin is thicker than a woman's (that's literally, not a figure of speech!), so the aging process doesn't start for a while. Maybe you'll even make it into your 40s before you start to notice it creeping up on you. However, once it starts - look out! The male aging process lunges forward in a quantum leap.
What Causes Men to Age Prematurely, and Rapidly As you age, you lose collagen and elastin, which are the two major building blocks of skin. Collagen is like a foundation that keeps your skin plump and thick. Elastin is like a coil that helps your skin "snap" back into place when it's stretched.
addition, your dead skin cells don't shed as quickly, and your new cell
growth slows - largely because free radicals react with certain
chemicals in your body to diminish your skin's ability to reproduce
healthy, new cells. The result? Your skin starts to become dull, rough,
dry and full of debris and dirt - its stuff you can't see with the naked
eye, but it's deep in there, attacking below the surface.
Plus, if that weren't enough, environmental factors, such as sun (UVA/UVB) exposure and pollution, trigger wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.
When you factor in that you expose your skin to harsh outdoor conditions and activities, dehydrating soaps, abrasive shaving creams, hazardous work conditions, and the unspeakable stress of watching your team throw away any chance of winning the Super Bowl year after year after year...well, it all adds up - and catches up.
Why Your Mug Matters So let's keep levelling with each other: So you're going to age in quantum leaps. Maybe you don't care. Maybe you're just not "into" how you look, and think that proper masculine face care just doesn't matter. Well, here's what you need to know: it should matter.
Experts agree that it takes less than 10 seconds to form a first impression about a person, and over 90% of that impression is based on appearance. Think about that. Everything from a job interview, to landing a great business deal, to scoring the best seats at the hottest restaurant in town, to winning that awesome first date (or 50th date with "the one"), and maybe even to fighting a traffic ticket could come down to how you're perceived.
It's true: it's NOT about looking young, nor "pretty". It's about looking good. Your face says so much about your vitality, your charisma, and your overall health and wellness. It says: I'm a confident, vibrant and powerful man - and I command respect wherever I go. Truly, that's a message you want to send; and your face "sends it for you" long before anything else.
The Game Plan Okay, let's recap. You know that the visible signs of aging are chasing you down, and even if they haven't caught up with you and tackled you at the knees yet - you (and the people around you - even if they're too nice to say it to your face) can hear them coming. But what can you do? Easy: you get a game plan! And your game plan for proper masculine face care has three stages: Cleaning, Treating and Protecting.
Step 1: Cleaning. Your face builds up dirt, grime and dead cells. Plus, masculine skin typically has larger pores and very active sebaceous glands - which can lead to greasy, oily, breakout-prone and irritable skin. But soap isn't the answer! Soap dries your skin and fails to get rid of all the excess oil, clogged dirt, and other impurities. What you need is a cleaner that is gentle enough to bring out your skin's natural moisture, but powerful enough to unclog pores and cut through the grime. In short, you need cleaner built for a masculine man.
And what about all purpose body washes? Think about it - does the skin on your feet have the same texture as the skin on your face? Do your toes give away your age? If you wouldn't use a tire cleaner on your fine leather seats, then please give the masculine face the attention and pampering it deserves with a proper cleaner.
Step 2: Treatment. Congratulations - you've gotten rid of the gunk off your face. Now it's time to "feed your face" a super botanical cocktail of nutrients. Think of it as an energy drink for you skin! Treatment minimizes fine lines and wrinkles by helping to restore your skin's natural balance, rebuild collagen and elasticity, repair past damage, and strengthen against further assaults by free radicals and the environment. Remember: shaving strips away your skin's natural moisture barrier, leaving it dry and exposed to damage and premature aging. However, with the right treatment, you start to undo this damage and keep the signs of premature aging at bay.
Step 3: Protecting. Protecting picks up where treatment leaves off. The right protectant helps strengthen your skin's inner structure, while sealing in moisture. This is especiallyimportant when you're exposing your skin to temperature fluctuations - such as outside heat to air conditioning in the summer, or outside cold to inside heat in the winter. These fluctuations cause dryness, itching, flaking and premature aging. A high performance protectant balances high tech cutting edge anti-aging active ingredients with essential oils from super fruits withcollateral properties. It also helps your skin feel refreshed and nourished.
What About Sunscreen If you spend time out in the sun, or drive around a lot, it's a good idea to use a high quality sunscreen. UVA/UVB rays can come at you from all kinds of sources, including through your windshield as you drive. A high quality sunscreen is natural or mineral based, oxybenzone-free, and will have ingredients that also help to minimize the appearance of fine lines. The texture would be light, not chalky or oily - and it wouldn't smell like...well, the tutti frutti lady. It should either smell like a masculine man, or it shouldn't smell like anything.
Putting it All Together - Masculine Face Care Just like taking care of your car - sorry, I mean your wheels - involves a series of smaller steps that lead to a great "big picture" outcome, or how eating right and exercising leads to a healthy, strong and vibrant body, taking care of your face is cumulative. So keep at it and you'll see the results for yourself.
Actually, it won't be just you who "sees it" - the people around you will start telling you how good you look. And hey, even if you're not fishing for compliments, it's always a nice little motivation boost when that happens! Stick with your masculine face care routine, and it'll happen more than you think. Getting Started
All you need to get started on the road to results-based masculine face care is choosing the RIGHT masculine face care products - I'm talking the right cleaner, treatment and protectant.
And most importantly, make sure that you choose products from a company who designed them from the ground up for masculine men like you, because you're not an ordinary guy. And that's why you need masculine face care solutions that give you everything you need, nothing you don't.
No, I'm not talking about life insurance. I'm not talking about filling up the propane tank before the big barbecue. And I'm not even talking about replacing those jeans you bought during the Clinton Administration - you know, the ones that are being held together by...dignity.
I'm talking about every guy's least favourite subject: masculine face care. Or, as the sappy Beauty Industry daintily calls it - men's skin care.
But here's the thing - it's high time we talked about masculine face care, because there are some important scientific facts masculine men like you would want to know.
Men and Women Age Differently Generally speaking, women age gracefully. That is, they start the aging process sooner than men, but they age in slower progressions. For men, the story is reversed. Your skin is thicker than a woman's (that's literally, not a figure of speech!), so the aging process doesn't start for a while. Maybe you'll even make it into your 40s before you start to notice it creeping up on you. However, once it starts - look out! The male aging process lunges forward in a quantum leap.
What Causes Men to Age Prematurely, and Rapidly As you age, you lose collagen and elastin, which are the two major building blocks of skin. Collagen is like a foundation that keeps your skin plump and thick. Elastin is like a coil that helps your skin "snap" back into place when it's stretched.

Plus, if that weren't enough, environmental factors, such as sun (UVA/UVB) exposure and pollution, trigger wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.
When you factor in that you expose your skin to harsh outdoor conditions and activities, dehydrating soaps, abrasive shaving creams, hazardous work conditions, and the unspeakable stress of watching your team throw away any chance of winning the Super Bowl year after year after year...well, it all adds up - and catches up.
Why Your Mug Matters So let's keep levelling with each other: So you're going to age in quantum leaps. Maybe you don't care. Maybe you're just not "into" how you look, and think that proper masculine face care just doesn't matter. Well, here's what you need to know: it should matter.
Experts agree that it takes less than 10 seconds to form a first impression about a person, and over 90% of that impression is based on appearance. Think about that. Everything from a job interview, to landing a great business deal, to scoring the best seats at the hottest restaurant in town, to winning that awesome first date (or 50th date with "the one"), and maybe even to fighting a traffic ticket could come down to how you're perceived.
It's true: it's NOT about looking young, nor "pretty". It's about looking good. Your face says so much about your vitality, your charisma, and your overall health and wellness. It says: I'm a confident, vibrant and powerful man - and I command respect wherever I go. Truly, that's a message you want to send; and your face "sends it for you" long before anything else.
The Game Plan Okay, let's recap. You know that the visible signs of aging are chasing you down, and even if they haven't caught up with you and tackled you at the knees yet - you (and the people around you - even if they're too nice to say it to your face) can hear them coming. But what can you do? Easy: you get a game plan! And your game plan for proper masculine face care has three stages: Cleaning, Treating and Protecting.
Step 1: Cleaning. Your face builds up dirt, grime and dead cells. Plus, masculine skin typically has larger pores and very active sebaceous glands - which can lead to greasy, oily, breakout-prone and irritable skin. But soap isn't the answer! Soap dries your skin and fails to get rid of all the excess oil, clogged dirt, and other impurities. What you need is a cleaner that is gentle enough to bring out your skin's natural moisture, but powerful enough to unclog pores and cut through the grime. In short, you need cleaner built for a masculine man.
And what about all purpose body washes? Think about it - does the skin on your feet have the same texture as the skin on your face? Do your toes give away your age? If you wouldn't use a tire cleaner on your fine leather seats, then please give the masculine face the attention and pampering it deserves with a proper cleaner.
Step 2: Treatment. Congratulations - you've gotten rid of the gunk off your face. Now it's time to "feed your face" a super botanical cocktail of nutrients. Think of it as an energy drink for you skin! Treatment minimizes fine lines and wrinkles by helping to restore your skin's natural balance, rebuild collagen and elasticity, repair past damage, and strengthen against further assaults by free radicals and the environment. Remember: shaving strips away your skin's natural moisture barrier, leaving it dry and exposed to damage and premature aging. However, with the right treatment, you start to undo this damage and keep the signs of premature aging at bay.
Step 3: Protecting. Protecting picks up where treatment leaves off. The right protectant helps strengthen your skin's inner structure, while sealing in moisture. This is especiallyimportant when you're exposing your skin to temperature fluctuations - such as outside heat to air conditioning in the summer, or outside cold to inside heat in the winter. These fluctuations cause dryness, itching, flaking and premature aging. A high performance protectant balances high tech cutting edge anti-aging active ingredients with essential oils from super fruits withcollateral properties. It also helps your skin feel refreshed and nourished.
What About Sunscreen If you spend time out in the sun, or drive around a lot, it's a good idea to use a high quality sunscreen. UVA/UVB rays can come at you from all kinds of sources, including through your windshield as you drive. A high quality sunscreen is natural or mineral based, oxybenzone-free, and will have ingredients that also help to minimize the appearance of fine lines. The texture would be light, not chalky or oily - and it wouldn't smell like...well, the tutti frutti lady. It should either smell like a masculine man, or it shouldn't smell like anything.
Putting it All Together - Masculine Face Care Just like taking care of your car - sorry, I mean your wheels - involves a series of smaller steps that lead to a great "big picture" outcome, or how eating right and exercising leads to a healthy, strong and vibrant body, taking care of your face is cumulative. So keep at it and you'll see the results for yourself.
Actually, it won't be just you who "sees it" - the people around you will start telling you how good you look. And hey, even if you're not fishing for compliments, it's always a nice little motivation boost when that happens! Stick with your masculine face care routine, and it'll happen more than you think. Getting Started
All you need to get started on the road to results-based masculine face care is choosing the RIGHT masculine face care products - I'm talking the right cleaner, treatment and protectant.
And most importantly, make sure that you choose products from a company who designed them from the ground up for masculine men like you, because you're not an ordinary guy. And that's why you need masculine face care solutions that give you everything you need, nothing you don't.
Candace Chen is the world's foremost authority on the marketing
of Masculine Face Care ™ (men's skincare and men's anti-aging) products,
her credentials include over 150 U.S. and international patents issued
and pending. She is also the founder of the FaceLube Marketing System
and FaceLube, the Home of Ultra Masculine Face Care for a Man's Man®.
FaceLube is Ultra High-End Masculine Men's Anti-Aging Technology with
everything he needs, nothing he doesn't.
FaceLube's vision is to
make High-End Masculine Face Care ™ products readily available to the
general public at an exceptional value and at retail locations
convenient to you. This is made possible, because FaceLube puts our
tremendous buying power to work for you. Compared to less than 2,000
retail locations where high end men's skin care and men's anti-aging
products are traditionally sold in the US, FaceLube's exclusive
distribution channel has over 50,000 first tier retail centers and
another 100,000 second tier locations. With this kind of buying power,
FaceLube has the ability to negotiate exceptional bulk pricing with many
of the top beauty and personal care manufacturers around the world and
pass the savings on to you.
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