Few Health Tips
Early Sign Of Pregnancy Do you know those very early signs of pregnancy? Read the following points. Missed Menstrual Period: It is one of the early signs of pregnancy and it makes women aware of her gestation. Nausea: Nausea appears in the first two months of pregnancy calendar. Women feel it in the day and night alike. Tender Breasts: This symptom appears during the fourth and sixth week after women getting pregnancy. It continues through out the first trimester. Fatigue: Fatigue or sleepiness usually begins in the first week of gestation. Abdomen Bloating: Abdominal bloating appears because of some hormonal changes happen in the body during early pregnancy stages. Frequent Urination: Women experience this symptom between 6th and 8th week of her pregnancy. Constipation: Constipation, one among many other initial pregnancy symptoms, occurs due to high level of progesterone hormone in the body, which slows down digestion. All About Acne Introduction: Acne i...